If you've setup a new IIS website and app pool and try hosing a .NET application, you may run into this error: _HTTP Error 500.21 - Internal Server Error Handler "ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" has a bad module
This is one of my favorite Lightroom tutorials; a very simple technique to make your low-contrast photos pop.
If you've ever experienced the dreaded Saving changes is not permitted dialog in SQL Management Studio, this tip is for you.
I'll be speaking this year at THAT Conference on a revamp of my JavaScript Promises
Yesterday, I had the privilege of being the first guest on the MS Dev Show. Thank you to Jason and Carl for having me on!
A very quick Lightroom tip: you can assign the + and - keys to any of the Lightroom develop settings. To do so, just click on the name of the setting:
After generating a set of scripts to import production data to a local development database, I ran into an issue with constraints blocking the inserts (this is on a fresh database structure). To get around the issue, execute this
If you had the opportunity to attend my presentation at the 2014 GRDevDay, thank you for coming out to see me. You'll find the abstract, presentation, and additional resources in this post.