
"You’ve Got Waves"

One of my biggest problems with Google Wave has been that there was no easy way to know if you had a new wave (besides checking Google Wave). Now, there are solutions to this problem:

"You’ve Got Waves": How to Get Google Wave Notifications - Google Wave - Lifehacker.

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Wii Finally Found a Wiimote!

For Christmas, Joy bought me a Wii. Being one of the best gifts you can get this year, I was excited to start building a game collection and finding other additional things to go along with it. I ordered my copy of New Super Mario Bros. (which I'm expecting in the mail by Monday), an additional off-brand Wiimote, and a neat charging station with rechargeable batteries for the Wiimote. It was all working great, except that the off-brand Wiimote didn't fit in the charging station properly!

I decided to take the Nyko Wiimote back and replace it with an Official Nintendo model. After I made the return, I went to grab a Wiimote. Completely. Sold. Out. Across all of Big Rapids. Even more so, across this entire part of the state (I check on Walmart.com for a 100mi radius)! Now what?

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Happy New Year, 2010!

Another year gone by, another to look forward to! This year, I will be celebrating the coming of 2010 with family and friends in downtown Ludington for Ludington's first-ever ball-drop.

From the Ludington Daily News:

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Easily Copy or Move Files to Dropbox

If you're an avid Dropbox user like myself, you may find that getting files to your Dropbox folder isn't always the easiest task. If you're rooted deep into the filesystem, sometimes you want a quick way to send a file to your public folder without having leave your current location. Well, now there is an easy to use solution (Mac OS X only).

I have created a set of Mac OS X services that allow you to quickly copy or move files to your Dropbox public folder. You can find them here: DropboxServices.zip. Installation instructions are available in the README file contained in the ZIP archive.

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That'll be a Cinch!

When it comes to window-management, Mac OS X wins hands-down. Exposé and Spaces are a great way to manage open windows and applications within your desktop environment. However, I'll have to admit that there is one Windows 7 feature wish I had on my Mac: AeroSnap. Being able to drag a window to the top of the screen to have it maximized, or to the left or right of a screen to create a split-view is awesome. There was no easy Mac solution to incorporate this amazing UI feature, that is, until now.

Cinch, by Irradiated Software, provides an implementation of AeroSnap just for Mac. Similar to its Windows counterpart, Cinch allows you to drag any standard Mac OS X window to the top, left, or right edge of any screen and allows you to maximize or fill half of that screen. Cinch also has multiple-display support, unlike Windows 7 that does not honor the midpoints between screen layouts (at least in my testing).

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Version 2.9 « WordPress Codex

A lot of improvements. I'm looking forward to all of the new theming features, especially being able to create templates called category-portfolio.php instead of resorting to category-{id}.php

Version 2.9 « WordPress Codex.

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Bookmark Bankruptcy

Sort all of my bookmarks, the original plan for the evening; I needed to cleanup my bookmark folders and decide which were still relevant, and which needed to be removed. Even more so, I needed to cleanup my "Check Out" folder, otherwise known as the catch-all when I was too lazy to put the bookmark in its proper place.

As I began my process, and after getting through one of the first top-level folders, an idea crossed my mind. I hadn't used most, if any, of these bookmarks in months. Why should I keep all of these? Most of them contained outdated or irrelevant information anyway, and for anything of real value I would find myself Googling for the answer before searching my own bookmark collection. After some debate I made the big step: I declared Bookmark Bankruptcy.

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Facebook Adds Email Support for Comment Threads

One of the features I've wanted on Facebook is the ability to reply to a comment thread from my email. For example, there are often times when I receive a Facebook notification email on my iPhone, where I would rather hit reply than to quit the mail app, open the Facebook app, go to my profile (or wherever else the comment thread was occurring), and then comment. Finally, my requests have been answered.

Facebook Adds an Email Reply Option for Comments

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From the Ground to the Clouds with Google Docs

About a month ago, I swore off Microsoft Office for personal use. I chose to do this for several reasons: the performance of Office 2008 wasn't the best on the Mac, I hated having to wait for a document to open with Office when I have native Mac apps that can handle most of the Office file types, and I hated not having an easy way to access all of my documents while on the go. To circumvent almost all of these problems, I decided to move over to Google Docs.

If you've never used it, Google Docs is an online web service offered by Google that allows you to create and edit documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and forms, all from your web browser. All of your data, as well as the Google Docs application, is stored on Google's servers, allowing you to access it from anywhere in the world; this concept is known as Cloud Computing.

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