
Microsoft Build 2017 – Day 2 Recap

Another beautiful day in Seattle, and another amazing day at Build 2017! Today started off with another fantastic keynote followed by a wide array of awesome sessions. Here's my recap of today's events.

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Microsoft Build 2017 - Day 1 Recap

I'm very excited to be here in Seattle, Washington to attend the Microsoft Build 2017 conference! It's an honor to be amongst the geekiest of the geeks in the Microsoft community and to be able to absorb a ton of knowledge over the next few days.

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Välkommen till Sverige!

Last week I made my first journey outside of the United States. As part of a business trip, I spent a few days in Gothenburg, Sweden to work face-to-face with a client. It was quite the experience, and I wanted to share a few highlights from the trip.

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Speaking at THAT Conference 2017

I'm happy to announce that I'll be speaking at THAT Conference 2017! My session will be Gulp, Grunt, WebPack: What's a Dev to Choose?.

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A Sick Weekend with the Nintendo Switch

No, that title isn't throwing back to 90's slang; last week I started to come down with a pretty rough cold. Luckily, it didn't come into full swing until after I picked up my Nintendo Switch pre-order. This gave me the unique opportunity to experience the Switch as both a home console and a portable device. Here is my first weekend review of the Nintendo Switch.

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Starting the Home Automation Process

When it comes to new and exciting technology, I'm often one of the first to jump on the bandwagon to see how the latest-and-greatest tech can improve my daily life. As a software engineer, I love the idea that with the right hardware and software combination, my day-to-day can improve and become easier more rapidly than ever before.

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Where Have You Been?

You may have noticed that this site has been a bit inactive since August. The end of 2016 was quite the whirlwind end-of-year for me; however, I'm looking forward to getting more content on here this year!

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MS Dev Show at THAT Conference Featuring… Me!

I was able to stop by the MS Dev Show booth while at THAT Conference to chat

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Build and Deploy Your ASP.NET Core Applications… Automatically!

Thanks to everyone that came out to my THAT Conference talk. Here you'll find all the links to code, the presentation, and sources.

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A Recap of //build/ 2016 on the MS Dev Show

Another #BrandonEpisode of the #msdevshow where we talk about the announcements from Microsoft's latest //build/ conference.

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