
Moving On Up

Can you guess who got promoted last week?

Oh sure, it's a bit of a loaded question (this is my site after all), but it was me!

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Transitioning from College to the Workforce

Last week I had the opportunity to speak with the Ferris State University Graphic Arts Association about transitioning from college to the work force. As a follow-up, I thought it would

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No Error

So is the life of a programmer:

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Passwordless SSH

I use my site for a lot of reasons: sharing information with the world, posting projects, and sharing my photography. Another use, however, is a reminder for myself on how to do something. This is one of those cases: how to connect to an

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Why More Facebook Messaging is a Bad Idea

If you haven't heard, Facebook announced today that their messaging system was going to get a major overhaul.

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Ping-Sweep from the Terminal in OS X

I did something stupid: I lost one of the routers on my network. I currently have a dual-router network setup, mainly for the purpose of running a wireless b/g network and a wireless-N network (5 Ghz). Regardless, I couldn't remember

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I Hate Catch-Up

Actually, I love ketchup. Goes so well with so many things…

Seriously though, I hate being caught behind the curve. I feel like I've been so

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Working From Home: Not What You Think

As many of you know, I work remotely for a company in Wisconsin. I've been working for them offsite on a part-time basis since August 2009, and started full-time in June 2010. 2014 Update: The post has been updated to reflect

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Why Facebook Needs Threaded Comments

So I don't have to do things like this:

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Painting: A Living Room Update

The past few weeks have been all about home improvement. This weeks project: painting the living room.

This is how the the room started:

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