
Public, Private, and Protected

I was asked a really good question today (and I had to Google for the answer): what are public, private, and protected keywords called in C# (or other programming language)?

Access Modifiers![fn]1[/fn]

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Fix the Twitter on Facebook App

If you haven't noticed, my Facebook status updates have been a little lacking; I just noticed the other day that my Twitter on Facebook app was broken. After messing around with the Facebook app, I finally got it working again.

First, go to the Twitter on Facebook app:

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For the Super Bowl, I decided to try out a new wing recipe: Alton Brown's Buffalo Wings. Now, something you may not know, but Alton Brown happens to be one of my personal heroes. Sure, he's a little crazy, but that's what makes him so interesting to watch; that, and almost everything he makes looks amazing! Anyway, here's a quick overview of the recipe, along with a few changes:


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Photos Submitted for the TAOPC!

As you may have seen in my last post, I was looking for a set of photos to enter into the Ludington Center for the Arts' Third Annual Online Photo Contest. Thanks to your help, I found a set of photos I'm going to submit.

I didn't enter all of the categories; I decided to go with the top three. Here they are:

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Poll: Third Annual Online Photo Contest

The Ludington Center for the Arts is having its Third Annual Online Photo Contest, and I'm seriously thinking about entering. However, I have a lot of photos to choose from, so I'd like your help. Vote below so I can submit some (hopefully winning) photos!

There are five categories to choose from. I'd like to submit at least one photo for each category. You can vote in each category, but you can only pick one photo within that category. For a larger view of the photo, click on the thumbnail.

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It’s Only Been a Few Days!

For those of you that didn't see the news, I put together a (quick) website for the upcoming addition to our family: Seth Martinez. Well, apparently the spammers of

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It's a Boy!

Joy had her 20 week ultrasound today, and we found out what we’re having. Introducing: Seth Patrick Martinez!

Also, if you'd like to follow our baby's progress, check out

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2010: What a Year!

2010: a lot of things happened.

Alright, that was a cheap intro. Seriously though, here are some of the major occurrences:

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Pro Tip: Liquid + Laptop

Does not end well:

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Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Lens

For Christmas, I received a new Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Lens; I've been wanting a prime lens for a while, and I'm glad to say that I finally got one.

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