
Use Subdirectories Within the ASP.NET bin Folder

I ran into a minor issue today: I wanted to create a subdirectory under my ASP.NET web application's bin directory, but none of my ASPX pages could access anything within it.

The fix for this is very easy; update your web.config from this:

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My First Midnight-Showing

This is the first time I've ever gone to a midnight-showing. I think I saved this experience for a (hopefully) good movie: Harry Potter 7, Part Two.

We waited in line for an hour (and we already had tickets) just to get into the auditorium:

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Future Eden: A Brief History of Next Time

I've been searching for this book for a long time. I read it sometime in high school, but had since forgotten what it was called.

For the past three or four years, I've tried remembering the book's name with no luck. On occasion, I would even try a Google search of content I remembered from the book, hoping to stumble across a summary of some sort or a posting by a fan of the book.

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Windows Glitch: Moving Shortcuts

I am having the oddest Windows 7 glitch: one of my shortcuts keeps moving!

At first, I thought I was crazy. I must have been moving my desktop shortcuts by accident, or maybe arranging them somehow. But after observing my desktop over the course of an hour, it looks like there really is a glitch.

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These are some really cool products. A little out of my price-availability, but I'll definitely look into getting at least one of these eventually:

LENSBABY.com: Lenses for SLR, Mirrorless and PL Cameras.

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Quoting and Citing in HTML5

In one of my recent posts, The Perfect Cup, I made use of HTML5's quoting and citing features to provide "fancy" quotation. An excellent reference for proper use can be found at HTML5 Doctor, along with several other excellent articles:

Quoting and citing with

, , , and the cite attribute | HTML5 Doctor(http://html5doctor.com/blockquote-q-cite/ "Quoting and citing with

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Quick Tip: Constructing Your Own Freestanding Reflector

Another cool weekend project: constructing a reflector for product and small object shots. The results are almost as if you had an open softbox; very cool!

Quick Tip: Constructing Your Own Freestanding Reflector.

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This looks like an excellent WordPress theme building tool, and best of all, it's free! I'm going to setup a test deployment and give it a try sometime this weekend: PressWork.

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Consumer Alert! Michigan "Bounty" Changing September 1, 2011

If you've heard of the Michigan "Bounty" or Scanner Law, a law that allows a consumer to be compensated for being overcharged on an item, it will be changing as of September 1, 2011.

The reason for the change is that a recent law says that retailers no longer have to price every item in a store (known as the Michigan Sticker Law), given that a price is displayed somewhere that clearly indicates the price of the item (e.g. a tag on a shelf, electronic readers, etc).; from the Michigan.gov website:

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The Rockets' Red Glare

This past Saturday, I got to go on a small road-trip with my sister-in-law and her sister. We went down to Porter, Indiana to get some, umm, stuff for the holiday.

We went to Shelton Fireworks, which is about 30 minutes past the Michigan-Indiane state line. To say that least, that place was amazing. As soon as we pulled up we were in awe; it was essentially a giant warehouse dedicated to fireworks:

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