
So Long, 2011

Overall, 2011 was a great year. Normally, I'd take this opportunity to reflect on all of the things that have happened over the year, but it's our biggest event that stands over everything else: the birth of of our son.

That event started one of the best chapters in our life: parenthood. Joy and I have had a lot of fun, and some struggles, learning the ins-and-outs of parenthood. We would never change any of it for the world, and only look forward to continuing the growth of our family.

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Everybody Get Down!

Today was not a boring one by any means. My dad, Joy, Seth, and I stopped at the Woodland Mall to see if there were any Christmas specials. The place was packed with people doing after-Christmas shopping, returns, and slothing around to pass time. We managed to make it through a few stores before we witnessed one of the scariest in-store events of our lives.

My dad and I were going to take a few pictures of Seth in one of those kiddy-rides (the moving buses, horses, and what-not) while Joy checked-out Shoe Dept. She had just handed me her camera and walked away, and we were about to take the picture, when we saw a group of teenagers bust into a fight.

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Merry Christmas, Everyone!

From my family to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas. May you spend it in good health, surrounded by those you love.

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If You Like Using the Internet…

Then please, please, help stop SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) from passing.

It's easy to do:

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The New Axe

A few weeks ago, I picked up a new guitar: the Ibanez ART300.

So far, I've loved everything about it: it has a nice weight, the neck plays very smoothly, the body cut-away allows for easy soloing, the knobs and controls work very smoothly, and overall is an amazing guitar to play.

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Resolve a Frozen Finder in OS X Lion

Ever since I upgraded to Lion, I've found that on occasion the Finder becomes unresponsive. When the Finder freezes, the entire system becomes unstable (anything that accesses the filesystem). Luckily, I came across a possible workaround and solution to this problem.

Before I found a solution, I was using a quick fix to get things working: manually relaunching the Finder.

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And Let There Be Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! It's that time of year where we take a moment to reflect on everything that we're thankful for. I don't know about you, but I there's a lot in my life that sometimes gets taken for granted.

I have an amazing family. Joy and I welcomed our newest addition, Seth, this past June.

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Call for Help: Inferring Types When Using Generic Interfaces in a Factory

To all those .NET and C# developers that follow me, I'd greatly appreciate your help answering this question: C# - Inferring Types When Using Generic Interfaces in a Factory - Stack Overflow.

[update]An answer has been accepted. Checkout stackoverflow for more.[/update]

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Steve Jobs - 1955-2011

In memory…


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Drip to Perc: A Coffee Story

Just over a month ago, my drip coffee maker started to malfunction; it was burning any coffee that it made. With two avid coffee drinkers in the house, we needed to find a replacement… and fast!

I researched into many different types of coffee makers: higher-end drip makers (including the Keurig), several french presses, the aeropress, and a few percolators. There were several options to choose from, but after reading the various reviews and experiences, I decided to purchase a percolator: the Farberware Stainless Steel Percolator.

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