
How to Scalp a Watermelon

A while back, a friend of mine showed me a technique for preparing watermelon that I've come to call "scalping" a watermelon. It gets rid of all the rind, and makes it easy to cut servable pieces. Check out the video for a demonstration:

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Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

This past weekend, I took my first Microsoft Certification exam: Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4.

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Freedom Isn't Free

As Americans, sometimes we forget what it takes to be a free nation:

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How to Properly Peel a Pineapple

Today I finally cut up a pineapple that had been sitting atop my fridge for the last three days.

"So what," you say; "it's just a pineapple," you say? Well, the reason this is exciting is that I learned the proper way to peel and cut a pineapple in the process. Thanks to this video that I found via a Google search, I'm on my way to become a pro-pineapple peeler:

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Moving Light Years Ahead: My New Career Opportunity

Officially as of today, I will be resigning my position as lead software developer with Independent Printing Co., Inc. My last day with them will be May 18th.

I'd like to thank Independent for being a great employer for the past three years (I started in 2009 as an intern). The people there are great, and the culture is enjoyable to work in. Thanks to them, I was able to get my foot in the door in the world of software development, and was able to make a fairly large impact within their organization.

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Developing Software for the Future

This is a response to Jim Cloudman's recent post regarding the new Windows user environment, Metro.

As software developers, we have one main purpose: to solve problems. To accomplish this, we have a vast array of technology, languages, tools, platforms, frameworks, and everything in-between. In this golden-age of development, we are extremely lucky to have so many resources available to us.

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A Weekend Project: Refinishing a Toy Chest

Over the weekend, Joy's sister brought over an old chest for Seth to use as a toy box. Overall, it was a nice solid chest, but it had been worn from age. I decided I'd put my minimal-woodworking skills to the test and refinish the chest.

Sadly, I forgot to take a before picture (no idea what I was thinking), but this is essentially what the outside of the chest looked like:

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Time to Stand Up

For the past few months, I've been intrigued with the idea of a standing desk. After looking into several examples, I decided to modify my current desk to a standing position:

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Grilling the Perfect Steak

The weather has been getting very nice the past few days, so why not put it to good use? Time to grill!

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Coffee Drinks Illustrated

An oldie, but a goodie, Coffee Drinks Illustrated by Lokesh Dhakar, is a great illustrated guide for the different types of coffee drinks.

My personal favorites are the caffé mocha and the caffé latte (though, I do tweak them a bit):

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