
Resolve "Access is Denied" using PSExec with a Local Admin Account

Upon trying to enable remote command execution using PSExec, I ran into an issue trying to login with a local administrator account on my

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Use a Parameter with SELECT TOP in T-SQL

A quick T-SQL tip to end the week with: T-SQL's SELECT TOP can accept a parameter to choose how many rows to select:

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Configure SQL Server Reporting Services for Local-to-Azure Development

Recently, I was tasked with configuring our development environments for local SSRS reporting and development. This is the basic configuration I used, as well as some configuration for the ReportViewer control to get it communicating

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Download All Available Line 6 Custom Tones

Users of Line 6 Edit, Gearbox, POD Farm, or other Line 6 Custom Tone editors will find this very useful: you can download all tones that are available on Custom Tone.

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Simultaneously Build Multiple VCS Branches In TeamCity

Another quick TeamCity tip: how to configure your VCS build settings to trigger on multiple branches.

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Resolve an SMB File Sharing Issue Connecting From a Domain-Joined PC

If you're having trouble connecting to your Mac from a domain-joined PC, you may need to check your workgroup settings on your Mac.

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TeamCity and SSDT: Resolve a master.dacpac Missing File Exception

If you're receiving a missing file exception when trying to build an SSDT database project on TeamCity, you may have to copy a dependency to your build machine.

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Setup APC (Alternative PHP Cache) on Dreamhost Shared Hosting

If you use Dreamhost as your hosting provider, and more specifically, use their shared hosting service, you may notice that PHP performance is less than ideal. Luckily, Dreamhost gives one possible option to increase performance: installing

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Tip: Loop Through a Collection Backwards [C#]

There are times where it's beneficial to iterate through a collection backwards; e.g. processing and removing records from a set. While this technique is nothing groundbreaking, I thought I'd share this cool shorthand for the backwards

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AX, Why Do You Trouble Me So?

For the last few work days, I've dealing with the crazy-hierarchy of reports and classes that is AX. Trying to reverse engineer some of the report logic is mind numbing, and I can only imagine that anyone that's done AX development has to

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