
Access All IConfiguration Properties in MVC 6

Just a quick snippet I thought I'd share: I needed to access all of the configuration settings available in my app's IConfiguration object. I created an extension method that maps it to an IDictionary.

public static IDictionary<string, object> ExpandToDictionary(this IConfiguration configuration)
    var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    var configurationSections = configuration.GetChildren();
        foreach(var section in configurationSections)
            var subConfigurationSections = section.GetChildren();
                var serializedSection = section.ExpandToDictionary();
                dictionary.Add(section.Key, serializedSection);
                var flattenedValue = configuration[section.Key];
                dictionary.Add(section.Key, flattenedValue);
    return dictionary;

I can then iterate through this by key to see all values, or even serialize it to JSON if I want to use the configuration in my view's JavaScript.