You are probably wondering what's up with the title of this post. 1+3+4+2+4+2+2? Those are the total number of years I have been in school.
This past Saturday, I finally finished all of that: I graduated from Ferris State University.
It's been quite the journey. Honestly, I wish there were a sheet of statistics that you get with your each of your diplomas/degrees. How many term papers have I written? How many hours of research have I spent on various topics? How many multiple choice or true/false questions have I answered on quizzes and exams? Numbers, dammit! I want to see quantitative results! Probably a habit I picked up somewhere in that 18 years.
Seriously though, I look forward to what the future holds. Joy and I moved back to our hometown, Ludington, and I start my full-time job in June. Past that, anything is possible. We have a lot of options, a lot of opportunities, and enough ambition to pursue them. Forward, march!